
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

it's official... i am getting old

this is the random darth vader cake that he wanted. he has never shown any interest in the man before this cake.
my jared celebrated his 6th birthday on august 15th and he starts kindergarten next tuesday and i am turning 30 in two months. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
jared's birthday was a fun day. we went to seven peaks waterpark with shane and roni and their kids. then we had cake and ice cream later than night with the grandparents. jared is so excited to be getting older and to start school.
this morning after he had sat in time out for hitting isaac, i told him that he was responsible for his own actions and his own feelings and he needed to learn that there were acceptable ways to express those feelings. His response was, "I am not in charge. You said you are in charge of me, you're the boss."

i love my children.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, Wendy I love that story! Aren't kids little smart alics-sp sometimes?


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