
Monday, March 31, 2008

i think this is the 3rd tag....

10 years ago:
i was going to UVSC and dating a random guy.

5 things on my to-do list:
1. finish putting down weed blocker in my flowerbed in the front yard.
2. paint amelia's dresser.
3. see my earlier post about the kitchen. that is a huge to-do
4. get my garden ready for planting
5. build wooden night-stand boxes for the boys - (we'll see how they turn out. if they aren't too bad, i will post pics)

5 places lived:
1. orem, ut
2. provo, ut
3. american fork, ut
4. sanford, fl
5. lehi, ut

5 jobs i've had:
1. western watts
2. chili's as a hostess/busser
3. american name services
4. maxi-mart texaco/amoco
5. american name services (again...they can't get rid of me)

5 things people don't know:
1. i never wanted a little girl, but now love everything (except the screaming) about it... especially the clothes and the hair.
2. i went to school to be a wildlife biologist.
3. i have never gone down-hill skiing. this was a topic of discussion over dinner last night with some friends.
4. i am either very passionate about something, or i don't care at all.
5. i don't like people cutting across my lawn and i don't like people putting dishes in my dishwasher (i have to rearrange it to be my way).

i am tagging kim, roni, patti, and tonia.

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.