
Friday, June 13, 2008


late last night i returned from a work trip to new york city. although i was there for work, i had a great time and i of course found some time to shop at h&m and a place called 21st century.

monday afternoon patti and i went shopping in soho. we ate at a little restaurant/cafe for lunch and we had a celebrity sighting. actually, patti had the celebrity sighting, i only saw him from the side and back as he walked away from us. it was an actor from the show nip/tuck. i haven't ever seen it, but we saw the guy who placed the crazy plastic surgeon who ends up in jail (i only know this story line from patti, so sorry if i have some of it wrong). i just googled him and his name is joey slotnick and he plays the character merril bobolit.

we went with another list company to dinner on tuesday night to a restaurant called china grill. I am not a big chinese food fan, but it was really good. i even ate some red fish eggs while i was there. they also had this dish of fried spinach. it had a weird texture. it was crispy as you put it into your mouth, but as soon as you started chewing it melted away.

i only took 2 pictures while i was there and i am not in either of them, so i won't be posting them.

new york is a fun place to visit and if i didn't have children (don't read this the wrong way. i love my kids) i would probably like to live there for like a year or something, but it is not a place that i could stay long term.

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