
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

all things school-related

jared started first grade earlier this week. so far he seems to love it and i am glad to have him back to school. his favorite things are lunch in the lunchroom and that he gets 2 recesses.

isaac starts this next monday, but we met with his teacher this past monday and i think he will do well. he has the same teacher as jared did.

the last couple of weeks he and isaac have gotten themselves into a lot of trouble.
  1. spraying WD-40 all over the basement, including beds, clothes, walls, etc
  2. coloring with markers on the hallway carpet
so needless to say, i think they were a little bored and having them in school should occupy them a little bit.

nathan starts back to school next week also. if you couldn't tell by now, we are really big on education at our house. nathan has been going to school for 8 1/2 years now. he earned his bachelor of science: aviation professional pilot in 2006. we joke that he is an eternal student, but he seems to enjoy what he is studying now (engineering).

i am planning to go back to school again, sometime. i completed a year back to school in 2006 to make my associates a bachelor's degree, but i found it difficult at the time to juggle all the pressures in my life. so, i decided to let it go for a little while. plus i am not sure what i want to be when i grow up and so it seemed like a waste of money.

1 comment:

  1. Would you do an update already! We never see you guys anymore. We saw the boys at the football games, hope all is well!


I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.