
Monday, September 22, 2008

just another carter family dinner

why yes, those are Peruvian hats on all the kids. and yes those are all annoying little ceramic bird whistles they have in their mouths. my mom went to Peru a few weeks ago and she brought home these hats and whistles for all the grandkids.

last night we had our monthly Carter family dinner at Shane and Roni's house. after all the kids got their hats we sent them across the street to play at the park. a short time later, a sketchy looking young man came walking towards the house, saying "i think one of your kids is running down the street, he's got a beanie on." we knew by the beanie comment it had to be one of ours. soon Shar and Kevin had retrieved their youngest, Rhett (picture in the bottom left corner next to Amelia) at the very end of the street.