
Thursday, December 8, 2011

what we did in october 2011

jared and i went on a date to costco.  not very exciting, but a good time.

i called him to see if he'd like to take me out and his response was, "mom, i'm not old enough to date!"  to which i replied that he was old enough to go on a date with his mother. he showered and changed his clothes and actually combed his hair just for our date!  i felt special and i think he had fun as well.

we went to cabela's to get some stuff for nathan's hunts.  clara enjoyed a just-her-size camo recliner while amelia played at the shooting gallery.

and we celebrated halloween with some of the cutest spooks around!

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.