
Saturday, March 10, 2012

my saturday looked like this...

got up early and went running with the pup.  for those of you who know me well, this is saying something.  "i don't run because.... "

came home and started some laundry...

took a quick shower

mia maid class presidency meeting

cleaned up dog poo in the backyard.  i spared you a close up shot!


ran to checker to get an air filter for nathan and helped him change the oil in our cars

cleaned the garage

tried out some Turtle Wax T-240KT Headlight Lens Restorer Kit on my headlights.  worked awesome!  i tried to show half and half for comparison
more laundry...

nathan ordered dinner

 then it was showers for the kids and bedtime.  all in all a pretty productive day!


  1. that sounds like a fantastic saturday, except the running part...

  2. Jess - do you remember the lady time you and I went to autozone to get the air filter for my car?


I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.