
Thursday, August 23, 2012

my nemesis

i have a love-hate relationship with diet coke.  i love it, but i hate that i love it.  on sept 1, 2012, i intend to end this relationship for good.  i must fully admit here that i am a 1 can a day person - maybe 2 cans on a bad day so i know it shouldn't be that hard, but it seems a little daunting.

to prepare myself for the end of this relationship, i have googled "how to get off diet coke" several times and read other people's experiences with giving up the juice.  most people end up replacing their diet coke with something else, but i'm not convinced that's the route i want to take.

wish me luck and help keep me accountable!


  1. least it's diet? I've tried to give up DP multiple times and decided I can't/don't want to. It makes me happy :) Good luck!

  2. i also have tried to give it up... its hard and to date I have not done it.. remember when we were down to 1/2 a can... GOOD LUCK


I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.