
Monday, October 29, 2012

carter halloween party

yesterday, my morning started with breakfast made by amelia.  two pieces of cinnamon-sugar toast and a chocolate creme-filled doughnut.  i know you're all jealous of my carb and sugar overload!

then it was off to church and back home to prepare for the annual carter halloween party.  ever year nathan's decorations get more elaborate and this year was no exception.  he did a great job.  we had a yummy dinner of soups, rolls and salad.

an overview of our backyard (without the strobe lights and fogger going):

nathan built this gallows to hang our pinatas from.  he did a great job!
recognize the big creepy spider in the last picture?  this might ring a bell...

the kids decorated sugar cookies...

then we retired to the backyard where some pinata bashing commenced.  this is the only picture i got and it's blurry... bummer!

 all the kiddos:

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