
Monday, October 15, 2012

carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns

yesterday we carved pumpkins!

nate's dad bought pumpkins for everyone on friday, so after dinner yesterday we gathered around their kitchen table and let the pumpkin guts fly!

once the pumpkins were all cleaned out, everyone decided what they were going to do with their pumpkins.  amelia decided to free hand her pumpkin and drew it herself.  then nathan helped her cut it out.

jared and isaac decided to use patterns to carve their pumpkins.

once amelia's pumpkin was completed, she helped daddy clean out his pumpkin.

during all the crazy pumpkin carving, there were a few breaks for ice cream.  isaac was the first to succumb...

 and clara soon followed, leaving pa to finish carving her pumpkin.

the finished products!
isaac, clara, amelia, jared, nathan

jared with his grim greetings
nathan's freeky frank
amelia's original traditional jack o lantern
isaac's scary welcome

clara's witchy witch
and all lit up

so wait, where's mine?

i helped everyone else and cleaned up so mine is still a regular ole pumpkin for now.

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