
Friday, October 19, 2012

date night

so because nathan and i live such exclusive and fabulous lives, we have amazing dates. 

doesn't this look like a man who is up for some fun?

we went to kneaders for some yummy food before we headed off to the main event of our date..... grocery shopping! i spared you a picture of that.

and because we lead such exciting lives, sometimes we (meaning nathan) buy gigantic, hairy, nasty battery operated spiders while we are grocery shopping.  then when we get home to our nice quiet house where all of the children are asleep in their beds, we get the spider out of the box.

creep into our children's dark rooms and scar them for life.

so what do you do for fun?

1 comment:

I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.