
Monday, November 5, 2012

saturday morning haircuts

since, nathan was out of town and the kids had already completed most of their chores the night before, our saturday morning started pretty slow, except that clara and amelia woke up with runny noses and sore throats.  clara had been working on her cold for a few days, but amelia's symptoms were new.  isaac complained about a cough but didn't seem to act much worse for wear.

while the kids finished up their remaining chores, i decided to tackle a few things i needed to get done that day starting with haircuts.  all of my kids were in desperate need of haircuts!  the boys are easy, like clockwork.  a few years ago i learned to cut their hair and have done it for them ever since.  the girls are a different story.  i've trimmed their hair but never done anything major with them.  what to do, especially since they weren't feeling well.  i briefly contemplated taking them somewhere and then thought to myself, i can do this.  so i googled a couple of haircut videos, watched them and got to work.

first up was amelia.  she has needed some serious hair help for a little while.  her hair is so thin that as it grows out it looks really straggly in the back.  so i decided that a stacked a-line bob would be perfect.

here's how it turned out:

i knew clara wasn't going to hold still for very long so i need something a little simpler and opted for more of a blunt a-line bob for her.  i did attempt to undercut the back a little but didn't get very far with her moving and called it good after getting just the middle done.
for being an amateur i think they turned out pretty well.  maybe i've missed my true calling in life :).

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