
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

the battle for my children

sometimes things (meaning the kids, the jobs, the household, the marriage, the dailyness of all of it) can be really hard.  sometimes i feel really alone in my struggles as a mother and wife.  i know that most mothers feel the same way i do sometimes. it is hard when you are right in the middle of a situation to see that anyone outside of your immediate view knows how you are feeling.  i've had a few conversations lately with women around me that tell me that i'm not doing everything wrong and that the things my family struggles with are pretty normal.

lately, my challenges have been with my parenting skills and with a couple of my children.  trying to raise responsible, healthy, strong (mental, not necessarily physical) children who have a testimony of Jesus Christ is exhausting. but i also feel mentally and spiritually stronger lately than i have in a while ever!  sounds strange, but i think i'm slowly winning the battle for my children's souls and that makes a certain person a little angry, so he's putting up a good fight.

my kids are good kids.  they try hard, most of the time. but we all have our days when we are tired, stressed, and not on our best behavior.  it's not too long before screaming, crying and tantrums ensue.

my children may not grow up and inspire thousands, or be known worldwide, or make a notable "list", but i think they are pretty neat.  i'll keep working and trying and so will my kids and so will that man i married.  my kids are worth it.... and so am i.

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