
Friday, March 8, 2013

just some randomness - boots and mornings at our house

not really sure what i am looking at in the picture, but last night we went to CAL Ranch to see if we could find some boots for nathan and i.  he has been wanting some for a while and i would like some as well for all of the horse-back riding that i've been doing lately.... oh wait, i don't do that.

we didn't end up getting anything because neither of us city-slickers knows what boots are supposed to feel like when they fit you well.  so, i decided we would need to be more educated before we purchased anything.  we don't want huge blisters on our feet because we bought boots that don't fit well.

anyway, this is what my livingroom looks like weekday mornings between 5:30 am and 6:00 am.

yeah right!  if only they sat quietly with their arms folded when it was time for reverent things. they aren't perfect but they are great kids!  i am loving clara's face, amelia's bed-head and maybe it's time for me to buy some new pants for my boys?

happy friday!

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.