
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

another personal progress - faith value project update

just another check-in on my progress.

i am now working on the poster for week 7 and have memorized the first sentence.  this is a long one and it kind of scares me a little.

i'm trying to come up with more ways to keep me going.  progress is a little slower than i had hoped.  but i think i need to give myself a little more credit.

  • i am caring for four children and a husband - cooking, cleaning, homework, quality time, etc...
  • i am working outside my home full-time.
  • i have a calling that requires my attention every sunday and one evening every week, not to mention time spent during the week preparing lessons.
  • i am trying to finish the book of mormon before i head to girl's camp the first week in june. (trying to pass of my value project for virtue.)
  • i am helping to plan and carryout our ward's youth trek the week after girl's camp.
  • working on my character flaws (gasp... i know it is shocking to learn that i am not perfect)
  • taking care of myself... sometimes :)
that's a lot of stuff to do all at once.  sometimes i need to step back and realize that i'm not super woman.  i am a super - woman.  but i am not super woman.  i don't have magical powers beyond the limitations of my human body and mind.  

plus i need to realize and be grateful that i am able to do all of the things.  i love my family.  i love that i am happier in my mother role these days than have ever been and it is because i have taken the opportunity to do more and be more at home.  i still have room for improvement there, but my progress thus far is pretty good.

i love my calling!  the young woman in my ward are amazing.  the new curriculum we are teaching from this year is challenging me in so many ways, but the rewards are equally great.  i am learning and growing in ways i thought only happened to other people.  i'm sure over time, my lessons will get better but i'm still making progress.

the book of mormon is becoming "delicious" to me.  don't know how else to explain it.

i am making progress in what i see as my character flaws.  i am FAR from perfect, mind you.  but i do see improvements.  this past week (nathan would say 2 weeks) was rough.  with the outside commitments i have going on and the progress i am trying to make inside my home, throw in a double shot of hormones (tmi???) and you've set yourself up for the perfect storm.  i'm glad to say that i weathered this storm far better than i would have a year ago.

i'm not sure what my point was here and i believe i've just started rambling.  at any rate... even though memorizing "The Living Christ" is taking longer than i had desired, i am making progress.  and i am making progress in other areas of my life and that is what personal progress is about after all.

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.