
Sunday, May 26, 2013

personal progress good works value experience #3

i've been working on this experience for a week or so, good works #3.

Read Mosiah 18:7–10, and in your journal list three ways you can comfort others or help them bear their burdens. Do the things on your list, and tell a family member or leader about the experience and how your attitude and understanding have changed.
i started by printing out the verses that are referenced in the instructions.  i glued them in my study journal and then read through and highlighted the areas that we are asked to help others when we are baptized into Christ's church.

the second part of the experience is to list three ways you can comfort others or help them bear their burdens.  this was the hard part for me.  i really struggled to come up with things to do.  the things that i thought about were either too hard, too simple, too much effort, not enough time, too much time, etc...  

i finally got over it and decided to do the following:

  1. go on the 3rd year hike for sis p, so she could stay home with her kids.  
  2. write a heartfelt note to someone.
  3. ?
i'm still waiting for inspiration to strike for #3.  any suggestions?

my first "service" item may seem weird.  when would i ever not want to spend time with some of the yw?  well, it just so happens that the hike was scheduled for the same saturday as the fathers and sons camp out.  so it would be necessary for me to make arrangements for someone to watch my girls while i went = time away from my family.  also, because i work full-time, saturdays are a hot commodity around my house = time away from cleaning and catching up on things.  but it was worth it for sis p to be able to stay home with her kids and i, of course, had a good time - even while learning to use a compass in a downpour!

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.