
Sunday, June 16, 2013

girl's camp 2013 - horton hears a who and whobilation party

two weeks ago i attended girl's camp with the young women in my ward.  we had a great time.

i was lame and didn't take hardly any pictures.  if i come across more pictures from someone else, i will post them.

our theme for girl's camp was based on the book "horton hears a who"

our daily themes centered around the book and were...
tuesday: :a person's a person no matter how small"
--our focus this day was on knowing that we are daughters of God and that we matter to him.

wednesday: "you are the who it should matter to"
-- gaining a testimony with a solid foundation was the focus of this day.  also, we discussed why we need a testimony.

thursday: "don't be a jojo, bouncing a yo-yo.  stand for your word and make your voice heard"
-- sharing your testimony was our focus.  sharing a testimony comes in many forms - example, spoken, service, etc...

obviously these themes make more sense if you have read the book.

on wednesday we had a 'who'bilation party.  we encouraged the girls to dress like who's (whatever they interpreted that to mean) and we traveled around the camp dancing for other wards.  it was a great time and the girls enjoyed it.

here are sister p and i dressed as who's.

 all of us dressed up for the 'who'bilation!

here i am, dressed in who attire, helping out sister smith during her devotional.

i was in charge of the devotional for wednesday - i'll write more about that tomorrow. you can see it here.

i will leave you with a video of me going down the zip-line on the ropes course that is new at our camp this year.  i am afraid of heights so that will explain the small scream you will hear as i leave the platform.  sorry for the shakiness of the video, nathan was trying to do two things at once :)

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.