
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

youth pioneer trek - martin's cove

if you've been following along, you know that i have been helping to plan and carry out a pioneer trek for the youth in our ward.  well last weekend we went.  it was an amazing experience!

nathan and i at the staging area - just after we arrived.  the wind was blowing so hard!

we are our sack lunches and then off we went with our handcarts towards to cove.   after leaving our carts at "handcart parking", we set off on foot towards the cove.  in the lower cove, the missionaries told us some pioneer stories about the cove. we sang our trek song and then continued our silent walk through the cove.  i hung back from the group a little as we continued our walk through the cove.  it is amazing the spirit that you can feel there!

some of our leaders leaving the cove

nathan and i being photobombed by a bunch of our youth (i love these kids!)

brother doel, nathan and brother hillock having a serious discussion at handcart parking

trail boss harris looking stern!  (the mountain in the background is what you travel around to get to martin's cove.)

my honey looking good in his pioneer attire.

our youth and leaders listening to stories from the missionaries at the martin's cover water crossing.  we didn't cross the river at Martin's Cove since we would be doing that the next day at the Willie Center.

 the statues of the rescuers at the Martin's Cove water crossing.

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