
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

family home evening - what are the duties of the aaronic priesthood?

last week for family home evening, i gave the lesson on "what are the duties of the aaronic priesthood?" to help prepare our son for receiving his ordination to the aaronic priesthood in august.  

preparation for the lesson:
  • i cut a sheet of poster board in half and wrote "Aaronic Priesthood Duties" on it.
  • then i got online and printed out pictures of the following (i just googled these terms adding "lds" top the end):
    • a deacon passing the sacrament
    • a tithing and fast offering slip
    • teachers preparing the sacrament
    • a young man home teaching
    • priests blessing the sacrament
    • a priest baptizing someone
    • you could also print out a picture of young men performing service, a young man ushering at the chapel doors, but i wanted to keep it simple
  • print out word strips with the 3 priesthood duties listed in the duty to god booklet.
    • administer priesthood ordinances
    • serve others
    • invite all to come unto christ
this was the outline of our family home evening:
  • welcome - jared conducting
  • opening song: children's songbook #89 - the priesthood is restored
  • opening prayer
  • wiggle song for clara (we usually let her decide what the wiggle song will be and this time she chose - i am a child of God
  • lesson by mom
  • testimonies
  • closing song: children's songbook #166 - a young man prepared
  • closing prayer

after our opening song and prayer, i reviewed what we had learned the week before when dad taught us about what the priesthood is.  we reviewed that the preparatory priesthood is the aaronic priesthood and the higher priesthood is the melchizedek priesthood.

then i had everyone look up doctrine & covenants 107:99
 99 Wherefore, now let every man learn his aduty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all bdiligence.
we talked about what the word duty means and what diligence means.  i told them that in order to do our duty, or in other words take care of our responsibilities, and to do them diligently (with our whole hearts) we had to know what those duties are and why we are doing them.

i introduced the 3 word strips and taped them on the chart, talking about what each of them meant as i presented them.

then i asked the kids to help me think of specific things we see the aaronic priesthood do.  as they listed them, i taped the picture to the board and we talked about what that ordinance or service was and why it was important.

by the time we were done, this is what our poster looked like. not the prettiest poster in the world, but it got the point across.

lastly, i showed them the back of the duty to god book where it reads...
“Behold, thou art my son; … and I have a work for thee” (Moses 1:4, 6)
we discussed that Heavenly Father loves each of us and want us to help him.  we help him by helping others and the priesthood is all about helping others.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this up. My son turns twelve this week and I have been using a lot of your ideas! We did your FHE on the roles of the Aaronic priesthood tonight, and he really learned a lot. I also used some Mormon Messages videos on the Aaronic priesthood.


I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.