
Thursday, July 4, 2013

we walked in the parade

and it was hot!

our ward participated in our town's miniature float parade this year.  the theme of the parade was "you saw what?"  our ward went with the "the pioneer's vision".

our float was the salt lake temple surrounded by children in white.  we had "missionaries" who pulled our float and then behind the float were the pioneers travelling to their "zion".  i don't know how many of the people along the parade route actually "got it" but i thought it was really cool.

our family getting ready to begin the parade.

nathan and his friend brother steve hillock

my mom and dad came and watched.  they snapped some pictures of us walking.

a shot of our float from the front.

and our family pulling the handcart behind the float, along with the rest of the pioneers.

here are the only shots of the back of the float.  it is a desert scene with sage brush and sandy hills.  but there is a small cutout where you can see the spires of the temple.  we can only imagine what the pioneers thought as they traveled to utah and saw the desert before them.  but they had a vision of the temple and the blessings that it would being to them.

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