
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Day Visit on Skyline Drive

This past Saturday, we went to visit the members of my family who were camping on Skyline Drive.  We were unable to stay over but wanted to at least take the kids up to visit for an afternoon/evening.  It was so cool and nice up there and we had a great time.... well except for the throwing up part.  More on that in a minute.

Shortly before leaving home, I noticed that Clara had a little temperature, but I gave her some medicine and we were off.  She slept most of the way up the canyon and didn't want any lunch.  

Clara and I just after we arrived.  Notice that Clara is wearing a pink shirt and I am in red.

Clara gets snuggles from Grandma.

Shortly after this picture, Clara fell asleep in my arms. She slept for a little while that way and then I decided to lay her down on Shane and Roni's bed in their trailer.  As soon as I got her in there, she asked for some water.  I went and got her water and came back and asked her to sit up.  As soon as she sat up, she started throwing up all over.  All over me, all over herself, all over her blanket we had brought and all over Shane and Roni's bed!

After some cleaning up, things were back to normal.

Nathan and the boys practice shooting.

 Amelia and I making paracord bracelets.  You will notice that I am now in a grey shirt thanks to Shareen for sharing.

Clara not very happy about getting snuggles from Grandpa.  You will notice that Clara is now in a blue shirt thanks to an extra from Roni.

Ethan, Jared, Isaac and Tyson practice shooting their BB guns.

Isaac, Ethan, Tyson and Jared

Great times!

1 comment:

  1. It was so fun you guys came up (throw up and all) It was a fun day!!


I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.