
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hunger Games/Steal the Flag - Combined Young Men & Young Women Activity

This past week for our combined mutual activity we did sort of a Hunger Games/Steal the Flag activity.  Our ammunition was tissues filled with 1/4 cup flour and tied off with yarn.  I was the red team's ammunition person, which basically meant I sat there and handed out more ammo to my team when they met the requirements for getting more.

Just for the record, I was not actively playing the game.  I did start to notice, however, that during game play, some of the flour bombs did not completely blow up upon impact.  This meant that perfectly good ammunition was laying dormant on the battlefield.  So, I started slowly walking around picking these up and putting them in my ammunition bag. 

All of a sudden I was hit from behind by a member of my own team!  He said I was getting too close to the other team?!  What!  So later, I may have dribbled a little flour onto his head while he was in "jail" 

A few minutes after that, when game play had ended, and while I was casually talking with another leader, this occurred!


So with the remaining two flour bombs I had, I did this to the culprit!

You know what they say about revenge.

It really was a great time.

Here's a blurry picture of Nathan and I.

Oh yeah, and now that Jared is a deacon, he comes with Nathan and I to mutual.  He had a great time as well.

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