
Monday, October 28, 2013

My Weekend - A Journal Post

A round up of my weekend

Friday, I went to lunch with my parents and this little cutie.

Then I went home to hang out with my kids.

Amelia and her friend decided to rake the leaves and jump in the pile.  I helped them bag up and throw away the leaves when they were done.

Saturday morning, my husband woke me bright and early and asked me if I wanted to go get breakfast with him.... without the children.  We quietly got up, threw on some clothes and hats (no time to fix the hair) and left our sleeping babies to have some time together.

I, of course, documented the occasion with a photo.  Look at Nathan's face, I think that is a smile!!!

Then it was back home to get sleeping children up and ready for the day's activities.  Jared was off to a Deacon's Quorum activity at Olympic Park and Amelia went to Tumbling.

After a while, I went to the hospital to visit my dad who had a heart procedure done earlier that day, and also to keep my mom company.

Around 3:00 pm, Nathan texted me and asked me to speak in church the next day because one of his speakers was ill.  WHAT?!

Went home around 4:30 pm to get kids bathed, fed and to bed.  Then started on my talk for the next day.  I was stressed from the day and the assignment ahead.

I asked Nathan for a priesthood blessing, which he gave me.  Finished writing my talk and went to bed.

Sunday, I spoke in church.  It went pretty well.

After church I had a visit from my visiting teachers and we talked about Jesus Christ's role as Creator.

Then Nathan and I pitched in and made Lion House Chicken Noodle Soup.  It is seriously one of our most favorite recipes.

Then we headed over to my mom's house for our monthly family dinner.  It was nice to spend some time with my siblings and my mom.  She had been at the hospital with my dad all day and was a little stressed out. The procedure they had done on my dad hadn't fixed the problem and so they had scheduled him for another procedure Monday afternoon.

My oldest brother, Shane, and my husband were able to give her a priesthood blessing of comfort and strength before we left.

It was a full weekend.

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