
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Nathan, Here is My Birthday List

My birthday is just over 2 weeks away.  This list is a not-so-subtle hint for my husband (+Nathan Harwood).

I would like the trim in my kitchen and hallway to be completed and painted.

I would like three sets of these United Curtain Co. Mansfield Valance in Plum for my kitchen.  They are on sale right now too!  Bonus!!

I would like the desk in the kitchen to look something like this, except for a 2 drawer filing cabinet on the bottom-left side instead of shelves and no shelves on the bottom-right.  One of the up-top shelves needs to be big enough for our printer.
Computer and Study Area
and a mixture of this.  I like how the desk comes out one side - in our house, have it come out not quite to the window.  (Note the 2 drawer filing cabinet in the correct place in this picture.)

I need a hole drilled through some of the shelves to run wires for printer, router, etc...  Also one hole from the bottom all the way to the top so I can hang a light.

Also, after playing with one of these at a YW activity this past week, I would like to add this to my list
A Cricut Expression Machine.
Cricut Expression® Machine

That is all!

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.