
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Wet Game & Sick Kids

Nathan, the kids and I went to a very wet, cold game on Saturday to cheer on our team.  We left at half-time since the Cougars were so far ahead and our little ones were getting chilled to the bone.

Mental note for me...  Remember that next time it is raining, put on the ponchos before getting out of the car and walking to the stadium.  Don't wait to get to the stadium to put them on or everyone will already be wet. Wet=Cold.  Duh!

Probably as a result of the cold from the game and a lingering congestion from the week before, Jared and Clara were pretty sick on Monday.  I told work that I would be working from home that day and I kept them both home with me.  They slept and cuddled under blankets on the couch while I worked and played nurse.

I also made these for dinner since I had a lot of time to make the dough.

I could do that everyday!

Later that evening Clara found a balloon and tried to figure out how to blow it up.  I wish I would have gotten video of her.  Her poor little cheeks looked like they were going to burst.

The next day we were back to work and school as usual.  Bring on the week!

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