
Friday, February 28, 2014

A "Love"ly Family Home Evening

This family home evening lesson requires absolutely no preparation.

Start by singing, "As I Have Loved You" from the Children's Songbook.

Then starting with yourself, go around the room and list the reasons that you love each person.  When you have finished sharing, the next person does the same thing until everyone has shared.

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I know that for some people this may seem really foreign and strange at first, but believe me everyone will love it.

Even little ones can join in.  If they are old enough to speak, they are old enough to say something that they love about another person.  If they aren't old enough to speak, they can give hugs or kisses or cuddles.

Just this past Monday night, Clara took her turn and the reason that she loved me was because I was tall.  I am not really sure what that means in her mind or why it is the reason that she loves me, but I'll take it!

We don't do this super often because we don't want it to turn into a monotonous thing, but we have played this "I love you because..." game in the car, at the kitchen table during dinner, and for family home evening.

It's sure to put a smile on everyone's face and bring everyone closer together.

Finish up by singing, "Where Love Is".

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.