
Friday, March 14, 2014

Evidences of God's Love

This week, while driving to work each morning, I have been trying to notice one thing that is evidence of God's love.  

I really intended to take a picture of the snow pouring out of the heavens this past Tuesday morning, but I forgot and when I remembered later that day, it had all melted.  But that was the morning it really struck me.

In our neck of the world, we've been praying for moisture.  We really need it.  I've really been struggling to pray for snow, because I don't like the cold or wet weather, but like I said - we REALLY need it.

Anyway, so driving to work that morning in what seemed like a blizzard with little visibility, it hit me.  This is an answer to many people's prayers.  This is an evidence of God's love. 

Last week, the sun was well above the mountains on my drive to work, but since the time change was earlier this week, my drive to work has been just as the sun is coming up over the mountains.  Yesterday morning, I couldn't help but notice how remarkable the sun looked peaking through Provo Canyon.  This picture doesn't even begin to do it justice... I was trying to drive and my window is dirty, but hopefully you'll get the idea. 

There was only about a mile of my drive that was filled with radiant sunlight, but boy was it glorious!

Have you noticed any evidences of God's love lately?  I'd love to hear about it.

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.