
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Where's the Bishopric?

A few weeks ago, Nathan and I participated in a fun Young Men & Young Women activity for the youth in our ward.  It was called, "Where's the Bishopric" and was based upon the books, "Where's Waldo".

The Laurel leaders had asked a group of adults from the ward to dress up as much or as little as they wanted and go to the mall at a certain time.  We were allowed to wander in the halls and small stores, but large department stores were off limits.  The last 20 minutes of the game, the leader with each group of youth could text us and ask for one clue to where we were.  At the end we all met at a predetermined spot in the mall.

The "Waldo's" drove directly to the mall while the youth gathered at the church for opening exercises.  Before heading out to the mall, each youth group was told the rules, assigned a leader and given a sheet that looked like this (except no initials):

Once a group located you, you put your initials next to your phone number on the sheet.  This way, they could text you and ask for a clue during the last 20 minutes and also, the youth weren't really sure who they were watching for at the mall.

We had a great time!

Nathan and I dressed up

Just me

 A group shot of the "Waldo's"

 Me an one of "my girls"

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.