
Monday, May 19, 2014

Motherhood Monday

Ah motherhood.

Sometimes I feel like a strange creature from another planet when other women start talking about motherhood.  This role that they longed for, planned for, enjoy with all of their heart, might, mind and soul.

That is not to say that I don't want or love my children.  I do love them and I would die if they were taken from me.  But am I seriously the only person who finds that the struggles of motherhood -the time, stress and thanklessness of the job - often overshadow/outnumber the love, kindness, and gratitude that are returned?

I can't be the only one!

At the risk of being judged horribly by those who don't want to understand, I am not afraid to admit that when I was growing up, motherhood was not my main goal.  I did not like to babysit, I did not like to play with dolls, and I never had the opportunity to help take care of younger siblings.  But, I always knew that, body-function permitting, I would have children.  I believe in family and children.  I know it's God's plan for us.  I want to be obedient and fulfill my divine role.  But, I struggle to find the joy from motherhood that so many other women seem to just relish.

The other night I was pondering on this incompatibility I feel and an idea was born in me.  The problem is not that my kids are bad and I am not a bad mother.  I actually believe that if I could see into the houses of pretty much everyone I know, the similarities with me and my family would be almost disturbing.  The problem may just be my focus.  I need to take a little more time to focus on the blessings my children bring into my life rather than always trying to fix the problems and stresses that all children have.

One of the biggest problems is that I am struggling to see the forest for the trees.  Meaning, I struggle to see the blessing of my children and the overall joy they bring to my life because I have a hard time looking past the often mundane, day to dayness of raising children.  So what is the solution?

The thought came to me that I need to refocus my efforts on being grateful. More effort into pointing out their positive qualities.  More effort into why my life is more complete because I have four wonderful people I can call my own.  

So the idea was born to start a Motherhood Monday here on my blog.  I'm going to focus on positive qualities I notice in my kids through the previous week, positive thoughts I have about myself as their mother, positive motherhood quotes, and basically anything that helps me be more positive about this VERY important role at which I'm working.

I'm going to try to post weekly, but some weeks just might get away from me.  That's just the way it is - cause after all, I'm a mom and I have more important people to look after! :)

I'd love for you to join me in Motherhood Monday.  Share your positive motherhood thoughts with me in the comments!

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.