
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Temple to Temple 5K #T2Trun

On July 24, a few of us decided to run/walk the Temple to Temple 5K in Provo, Utah.  Bright and early, we got up, got ready, and headed to the Provo Temple for the start of the run.

Here's a shot of the kiddos that joined us in the 5K run/walk.

Roni and I getting ready to go

And here's the starting line.

Did I get a picture of the finish line?  No, why would I do that????  I am a little bummed that there is no photo evidence of the finish line.  Oh well.

The Facebook page for the event says that between 10,000-12,000 people participated this year! Wowza, that is a ton.  I may have to participate in this run every year.

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