
Friday, October 10, 2014

Five Photos for Friday - FHE Ice Cream, Late Game, You Rock, Horse Bite, Clara Selfie

Here's a couple of quick shots from the past couple weeks

This past Monday, Isaac gave a family home evening lesson on ways that we can strengthen our family.  In his lesson, he asked us all to think of things we can do to strengthen our family.  His lesson included the idea that we could increase our family's bond by spend time together by going to get ice cream.  So for our activity we went and got ice cream cones at +Macey's.

Last weekend, Nathan and I, along with the boys, went to a late BYU game.  Although our team did not win, I had a great time hanging out with my main squeeze.

A couple of weeks ago, while I was in between classes at church, one of the young women, who had been in my class before I was released last year, pulled me aside and said she had something for me. She pulled out a small rock that she had written "you" on and gave it to me.  "You Rock"  I almost cried.  She had made enough for all the young women and the current leaders in the ward, but it made me feel special and loved that she would also give one to me also.  It is currently residing on my dresser where I see it everyday.

Recently, Jared got nipped by a horse.  This is on his chest/side.  That'll teach him to get to close to that horse again!

And lastly, it always cracks me up when I find pictures like this one on my phone.  I love this girl!

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.