
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Nathan Earned His Wood Badge

Last week Nathan received his Wood Badge at a Court of Honor held in our ward.  Wood Badge is advanced leadership training for adults. Nathan attended a two weekend training course and then had to complete "tickets" in order to complete the course and receive his Wood Badge.  You can get more info on Wood Badge from here.

Anyway, so last week he received his certificate, his Wood Badge kerchief, his leather slide, and two wooden beads on a leather strap.

Way to go, honey!

Also that night, 2 of Nathan's boys (they aren't really our boys, but they were Nathan's boys from when he served with the Teacher's Quorum a few years ago) received their Eagle Scout Awards. Nathan was really proud of them.

I snagged a picture of Nathan with Trevor and Bryce after the ceremony. 

Trevor gave Nathan an Eagle Scout Mentor pin.

Such a good night!

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