
Friday, May 29, 2015

School Dance Festival 2015

I only had two children participating in the dance festival this year.  Next year it will only be one.... and then we'll go back to two kids for a couple of years.

Isaac waiting for the dance to start.

Isaac's dance

Unfortunately my phone was too full and I couldn't video Amelia's dance... but I did manage to snap a couple of pictures.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Weekend Activities

What my weekend looked like:

I planted my garden.

Lifted some of my sinking stepping stones:


I only did six, so I still have about a dozen to go....

I also went for a run and passed the cemetery.

Made a stop by my Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma's grave.

Very thankful for those who protect my freedom and allow me the opportunity to do the things I choose to do.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Three Things Thursday - Shoes, Wind & Amelia Earhart

Sometimes I get up early to go running and it's still dark.  I try not to turn on the lights so that I won't wake up Nathan. Sometimes in the dark, I grab two different pairs of running shoes and end up having to turn on the light anyway....  :)

Sometimes, where I live it can be really windy.  Ok, so most of the time it is really windy.  My poor globe willow finally gave out.  This was the last globe willow in our yard.  The other one gave out in the wind a few years ago.  Plus it took out a few sections of our fence, which was awesome!!

It also took a large patch of shingles off the front and back of our house.  So Nathan fixed that as well.

Yesterday, Amelia had a Biography Fair at school.  She went as Amelia Earhart.  What a sweetie she is!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Clara's Preschool Program

Yesterday, Nathan and I attended Clara's preschool graduation program.  It was a really cute program of them singing songs they had learned.

Clara and her teacher, Mrs Heap after the program

Nathan, Clara and I

Clara singing I'm a VIP in my family.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Mother

Happy Mother's Day to my Momma!! My mom showed me by her example how to be organized, how to be a leader and that it's OK to be a strong, independent woman. Most of all she taught me to give it my all, no matter what "it" is. She also tried to teach me homemaking skills but I didn't have the patience for it back then. Now, I wish I had listened better. I love you!!

A few quotes I am liking concerning Mothers/Mother's Day:

We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are.”  Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Mother's Day should pay "tribute to our nature not our circumstance."

Friday, May 8, 2015

Isaac is 12 Today!

My Isaac turned 12 years old today!

Twelve years ago, around 2:20 am, this bright ray of sunshine joined our family on a bittersweet day. Later that morning, the rest of my family gathered for my Grandpa Carter's funeral.

Our sweet Isaac has always been a happy, go with the flow, deeply loving and caring, yet goofy kid and we love him for it!

So blessed to have this kid in my life!  Happy Birthday Isaac!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Payson Utah Temple Open House

Yesterday, we went to the Payson Utah Temple Open House with Nathan's dad.
The car drive there wasn't super long, but apparently our children were tired.

The temple was beautiful, of course and I could feel the spirit within it's walls.  I am so grateful for covenants we make with God and eternal truths we are taught in the house of the Lord.

My family

Richard with the kids

I decided to continue with the tradition of the kids and I taking a selfie in front the of the temple, like we did at the Ogden Temple.  These are the two we ended up with.

If you want to know more about temples, click here.