
Monday, June 22, 2015

Wasatch Back Ragnar 2015 - a photo post

This past weekend I ran Ragnar Wasatch Back.  I was runner #11 and had a great time.

Our team, L to R: Jaci, Lisa, Caleb, Lexy, Ali, Anna, Shane, Wendy, Sara, Jason, Autum, Sha

Eating at Taggart's Grill on our "off" time.

Might have been wanting to shoot myself after my 2nd leg...

Jason conquered Ragnar Hill!

So happy to be done with my 3 legs!

Sara on her last leg above the finish line.

Unfortunately, I wasn't super pleased with my first run.  It happened to take place late in the afternoon when it was the hottest outside - 95 degrees.  I hadn't prepared for that kind of heat and my pace really suffered.

My night run was better since it was so much cooler.

My last leg was again during the middle of the day, but a little cooler at only 90 degrees ;)

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.