
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Timp Half Marathon 2015

I'm a little behind on my blogging.  A couple of weeks ago I ran the Timp Half Marathon.  It was beautiful!  I was nursing a knee injury and it started to get stiff and sore around mile 8-9, but I said a quick prayer and pushed on and the pain left.

A quick shot I took while running.  The sun was just starting to peak up over the mountain behind me.

My friend Sara was waiting for me at the finish line.  Love that girl!

Nathan was stuck in traffic and arrived shortly after I finished.  Love that man and his support of my hobby!

This was the first race that I have run alone.  While I definitely enjoy the company of a friend while riding the bus to the starting line and waiting for the race to start, it wasn't so bad being alone.

I was really pleased with my finish time and how good I felt after the run.

1 comment:

I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.