
Monday, October 12, 2015

The Pink Series Park City Half Marathon 2015

This past Saturday, I ran The Pink Series Park City Half Marathon with a few friends.  It was a tough course, but we all did well and had a great time even though there were moments where we were RANGRY (running angry).

I wish I had taken a couple of pictures during the run.  The scenery was gorgeous!  The race was well organized and the course was well marked.  

Me, Jaci and Sha on the bus waiting for the race to start.  Man it was cold (about 36 degrees), so we were very grateful that they allowed us to wait on the buses.

Sha and I after we finished.  We stayed together for the majority of the run and I'm so glad I had her to push me when I needed it.

Me, Sha and Jaci after Jaci came in.

Our whole group: Sha, me, Autum, Jaci and Kristin

Here are my official race results.  It wasn't my best half marathon time, but given the course, I was happy.
Here's a glance at the race from the perspective of my pace and the elevation change.  Most of other half marathons I have completed are mostly downhill with some flat running at the end.  So, this was out of my comfort zone.  It was definitely more challenging and I think I could have prepared better for it mentally.  Oh well, there's always next year!
And just for fun, a shot of my hair .  I tried a faux-hawk for this race and it seemed to work out pretty well for me.  

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