
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016

This past Saturday, I let the kids color Easter eggs.  It's quite nice that they are old enough to do this pretty unassisted.

Jared was gone helping Pa work on his house, and Amelia and I were getting ready to leave for General Women's Conference, so unfortunately Jared wasn't able to participate.

The next day, after attending church, we headed over to Grandma Carter's house for the Annual Easter Party.  After eating dinner and watching a movie about Easter, Grandma bore her testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Then we bashed Easter eggs.  Cole's egg reigned victorious this year.

Then it was outside for the egg hunt.

The kids pulled in quite the haul!  We missed most of Eric's family and Jennie, who weren't able to make it this year.

Clara got some new sunglasses and was very excited to wear them like Nathan.

Please view this video to learn more about what I believe:

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Amelia's Weekend with Grandma Carter

Last weekend Amelia spent the night at Grandma Carter's house.

They went to the Rock & Gem Show.

Amelia picked out a couple of rocks and Grandma bought them for her.

They also went to visit some of Amelia's cousins.  While there, she was able to hold a baby chick.

And, she got to ride one of Uncle Rod's mules!

She had a great time with Grandma!