
Saturday, August 26, 2017

AFS Lagoon Day 2017

Associated Food's Lagoon Day is a day our family looks forward to every year.  So grateful that we get to take part in such a fun tradition with my mom.

Rod and I went on a couple of rides together and like the good big brother he is, he attempted to get my soaked.

This year Clara was tall enough to ride some of the big rides.  We were very proud of her for going on Colossus and Wicked!

Mom, me, Nathan, Rod and Jennie

I spent a good portion of time riding puke-inducing rides with these two cuties.

Isaac, Ethan and Cole

Cass, Rissa and Amelia

My brothers, Rodney and Shane with Nathan

All of the cousins that came - L to R: Ethan, Jared, Marissa, Logan (our family friend), Kiley, Isaac, Clara, Cole, Cody, Cassidy and Amelia

Calling it a night!  We had a ton of fun, but we are tired and ready to go home... well, at least Nathan and I were ready.

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