
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Heber Half Run for Autism 2018

On Saturday, June 30, I ran the first annual Heber Half Run for Autism.  It was a beautiful and fast-paced course. I met up with my friend, Anna and her sister Emily, at the bus pickup.  We hung out at the start line until it was time to go.

The race was delayed 30 minutes due to a few buses arriving very late.

Me, Emily and Anna at the start-line

More start-line pictures

Getting ready to start.  I made a quick trip to the porta-potty after the race officially started.

One of the beautiful views from the run.


Anna and I both set new PRs on the course.

I finished at 1:47:40!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Lehi Roundup Concert & Picnic in the Park 2018

Sad to say, but this year the only Roundup festivity we participated in was the concert and picnic in the park.  We had a good time listening to Ned Ledoux.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Jared and Friends Play the Guitar

Jared and two friends, Hunter and Tyrel, played Behold the Great Redeemer Die for a musical number for Sacrament meeting yesterday.  It was fun to have the boys in my home practicing.  I wish I had recorded them practicing, but I only got one of Jared playing his part.