
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Jesus Christ's visit to Ancient America

I've been pondering a bit about how it would have felt to be alive at the time of Christ's visit to ancient America. ⁠⠀

The people had been through a literal nightmare. Destruction and devastation that I can't even begin to fathom. Death, darkness, and despair. Even those who believed in Jesus Christ were experiencing these awful circumstances. In those desperate moments, did they remember Samuel the Lamanite had prophesied that it would only last three days? Did it seem to go on longer than that? Did they begin to doubt that they would ever be delivered?⁠ Did they begin to feel that Samuel was wrong?⁠⠀
Then, I can only imagine what that voice from heaven would have sounded and felt like! At first, they didn't understand. But when they turned their faces towards the sound and opened their hearts and minds to hear, they knew Christ was coming.⁠⠀
And then there He was to rescue them in their circumstances. To bring them hope and light once more. They stood in His presence. He blessed them, healed them, taught them, had compassion on them, and loved them. After such bitter pain, distress, and anguish, I can only imagine the joy, peace, and comfort they felt with their Savior. I can only imagine!!⁠⠀
#JesusChrist #ComeFollowMe⁠ #ICanOnlyImagine⁠⠀
🖼️ by @jkirkrichards "Every Knee Shall Bow"

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.