
Friday, June 30, 2023

Blooming Wildflowers

 I have a scrap of my yard that can be quite frustrating. It's long been an eyesore in my yard. At one time, a giant weeping willow grew on this spot, but many years ago, it was blown over in the wind. We attempted to plant another tree in its stead a few years later, but it died mysteriously with the help of some preteen boys.

Since then, this spot of ground has yet to be high on my priority list. I would spend much time weeding it at the beginning of each season, but eventually, it would be overrun with weeds. I spent my usual time weeding this year, but then I had an idea!

Enter a few packets of wildflower seeds! This week my wildflowers started to bloom!

And while technically not a wildflower, my DayLillies are blooming too.

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