
Monday, March 8, 2010

a few of my favorite things

it comes down to comfort and warmth right now. when i am pregnant i get hydronephrosis (basically chronic kidney infections) which causes all sorts of fun side effects - being COLD and feverish all the time. so, right now i am all about comfort and warmth.

a few things getting me through each day -

my bke kate jeans. (i tried to take a picture, but I am wearing them and it looked like i was trying to post a pic of my butt). you are so comfortable and stretchy and you fit nicely over my boots.

my beloved rocket dog boots - i was so worried when i bought you that i wouldn't wear you very often. now, you are my best friend. never mind that it is unseasonably warm outside, i will still wear you. i may still be wearing you when it is august and 100 degrees outside - you are that comfy! -- maybe not though :)

the grey mossimo hoodie i stole from jess. what would i do without you? what will i do when you completely fall apart? i wear you morning, noon and night. people are beginning to wonder if i wear anything else. plus, after i eat a big meal from my trough (thanks for that, nate) and zip you up, my swollen tummy is nicely hidden behind your pockets.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't looked on here in a while, so I just saw your announcement about #4 - congrats!


I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.