
Friday, March 5, 2010

the yard

it is snowing, again. i wish it would just stop - actually i don't mind if it snows, i just don't want it to stick to the ground. it had been feeling so very springish lately and i am getting really antsy to be outside doing things.

i really want to work in my yard. towards the end of the season last year my little bro came over and looked at my yard to help me decide what to do with it. i don't really like how the front yard looks. when we first moved in, the yard looked really nice, but it totally wasn't my style. there were lots of roses and flower beds everywhere. i don't have a lot of time to spend in my yard so I can't spend hours weeding. i took out a few of the flower beds and let the grass grow in. we transplanted a tree or two and i took out three trees that i didn't like. then i just never got back around to doing much out there. i am DETERMINED to get something going this year.

so like i said, i had my little bro come over and help me come up with a plan. i will be transplanting a couple of large bushes that have out-grown their space and i will be planting a dwarf tree where they were. i will also be pulling up most everything in the flower bed right in front of my bay window and transplanting some of it and putting down all new plants - mostly small shrubs. i am also going to be taking out a little bit of grass by our driveway to create a small planting space where an existing tree is. i will be putting in 2 little shrubs on either side of the tree and maybe a couple of flowering perennials as well - nothing too crazy - like i said, i need simple and easy.

but like i said.... it's snowing again, so won't be doing any of this very soon.


  1. Your littel bro has been driving me crazy!!!! We both decided to not buy anything for our yard this year just to work and manicure it :) So i cant wait for you to say hey Kev come on over i need your help again. He is so going to need it for therapy :) Also he can help you spend your money LOL

  2. i would love for him to come over and spend my money - as long as he is helping :). I am so gung-ho about doing stuff but I am not sure how much I am going to be able to do. Digging up bushes is hard work.


I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.