
Thursday, December 8, 2011

what we did in october 2011

jared and i went on a date to costco.  not very exciting, but a good time.

i called him to see if he'd like to take me out and his response was, "mom, i'm not old enough to date!"  to which i replied that he was old enough to go on a date with his mother. he showered and changed his clothes and actually combed his hair just for our date!  i felt special and i think he had fun as well.

we went to cabela's to get some stuff for nathan's hunts.  clara enjoyed a just-her-size camo recliner while amelia played at the shooting gallery.

and we celebrated halloween with some of the cutest spooks around!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

general women's conference

on saturday, september 24, mom and i went to general women's conference at the conference center in salt lake.  we went early and ate at the lion house before heading over to the church history museum.  i had never been to the museum before and it was quite interesting.  i'd like to take the kids there sometime.

hurried over to the conference center to get our seats for the meeting and ran into a dear old friend cristy and some of her family.  it was great to catch up with her.

mom and i after some good instruction by church leaders

l to r: me, mom, anita, sarah, cristy and ariane

after a quick drive back down to utah valley, we stopped and picked up amelia for ice cream.  she was excited to get to go out with the "girls".  grandma told her that when she turns 18 she can come to the conference center with us too. amelia quickly replied. "grandma, you'll be dead by then."  mom and i got a good laugh at that, but i hope my mom is around that long.  she is so wonderful and i love her dearly.

Monday, October 10, 2011

clara turns 1

my little clara turned one on september 15th.  it's hard to have your last child grow up.  i don't know if all moms have the same feelings, but part of me wants her to stay little forever, and another part of me (a very small part) gets excited when she does new things and reaches new milestones.  at any rate, i love her to pieces and am so glad she is part of my life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

clara's first birthday party - candy shop extravaganza

i am posting this 1.5 years after the actual event took place.

waiting for cake...

note really sure what to think!

opening presents

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a cute little piggy

look really close or you'll miss it!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

lehi giants baseball

jared has been playing on the lehi giants team this season.  they took 2nd place in lehi city and are currently in the tournament for state.... more details to come.

jared has really improved a ton since the beginning of the season and although he doesn't have a "natural" talent for the game, he has been practicing and trying really hard to better himself.  super proud of him!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

an evening with the utah flash

flash fox welcomes the players onto the court
last night roni and i took our children to utah flash game.  the kids had brought home free tickets from school, so we figured, why not?!

because of the lateness of the game, we left at the end of the 3rd quarter while the flash were up 73-72 over iowa's team.  i found out this morning that iowa ended up winning the game. :(

although the crowd wasn't as intense as i assume they are when other local teams play, it was still a good time!
amelia and kiley getting ready to cheer!
roni and i

rissa, isaac, ethan and jared waiting for the game to start.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

peek a boo

a text i received from roni this past week.... She LOVES Peek-A-Boo!

a few weeks ago i tried peek a boo with her and she didn't get it.  but this week it has been her favorite thing.  she giggles every time without fail.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

it was a very gray day, so....

i decided to wear something a little bright!

it doesn't look as bright in the picture as it does in person, but at any rate it is definitely not a color i have worn ever worn before. it is kind of fun though!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

one single picture...

last monday we went to trafalga for fhe.  i meant to take more pictures, but this was all i got.
jared climbing the rock wall

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

make her stop that....

last week, roni sent me this picture of my little clara.  i was happy, but i was sad.  she needs to stop growing up.  i need this to last a little longer.