
Monday, April 22, 2013

my weekend, and the start of the week

my weekend started out like this...

dinner with some friends at JCW's.

followed by this.... i think i must be mid sentence here.  maybe i'm telling kent that his finger is over the camera lens.

then went to this...

 followed closely by this...

we decided to finally replace our toilet.  it would clog constantly, and recently it would run all the time.  nathan tried to fix it several times, but it was just time for a change.  now to do something about that floor.

and my weekend officially ended this morning with this...

i hate how my car looks without the bra on.  but i can't put it back on until i get my car washed.  see all those dirty handprints my hubby left!

followed by this...

there was a major, major leak in my power steering line.  so glad that my hubby was able to replace it for me this morning.  he's the best, seriously!

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.