
Friday, April 19, 2013

ward relief society party

went to a ward relief society birthday party last night.  it was a party to celebrate all of our birthdays for this year.  i had a great time.

we ate dinner that was served by some of the young men in our ward.  they looked so handsome in their white shirts and ties - and they were very well mannered.

the theme of the birthday party was "of royal birth", meaning that we are all daughters of our heavenly father.  each of us had a tiara to wear.

here is my friend tracy and i making our best duck faces. (why do teenage girls love to make this face?)

my friend debbie was also there and looked great in her tiara.

here's tracy again.  her tiara had a picture of a very buff man wrestling with a lion on it.  mine had a buff man climbing a rope over a wall.  random i know, but they were all pictures taken from an old children's bible story book.  on the back side of the tiara were pages from an old hymn book.

there were enough tiaras left over at the end that i was able to take a couple home for amelia and clara.  they loved them and danced around the kitchen wearing them.

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