
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Things I Have Learned Driving on Cruise Control

Remember a while ago when I said that I had started to set my cruise control when driving on the freeway.

Well, I have observed and learned a few things about drivers by doing this.  I will share my knowledge with you as I am sure it is very important and you are dying to know.  As I cruise down the highway at an unchanging speed I have noticed:
  1. Most drivers slow down on curves.
  2. Most drivers slow down on hills, this includes going up overpasses.
  3. Most drivers accelerate going down hills, including going down an overpass.
  4. Most drivers slow down when they are talking on the phone.  This is followed by a momentary speed up when they realize they've slowed, but is inevitably followed by another slow down. - I actually just had an experience with this yesterday.  A man in a black IROCZ (It's a Camaro and reminded me of Dwight from the office... I know he has a Trans Am and it's not the same, but that is what it reminded me of), anyway, the man in the black IROCZ, cruised past me at a high rate of speed, not sure why I took note of him, but I did.  Less than a mile later I noticed that I was catching up to him and was going to pass him.  We were approaching an exit, so I thought maybe he was slowing down because he was going to exit, but he did not.  As I passed him, I noted that he was now talking on his phone.
  5. I won't even talk about people who are texting while driving.
Do with this information what you will!

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