
Monday, February 10, 2014

Pan Bread Traditions

When I was a little girl, my mom would make us pan bread for a treat.  We called them "scones" back in the day, but we now refer to it as "pan bread" at my house because I don't deep fry them.  Going for semi-healthy here..... not really!

Anyway, my kids love pan bread too  And even though it is only bread dough fried up in a pan, it is the treat they like the best.  I usually make these delicious edibles on Sunday after dinner - just like my mom used to do for us.

I just whip up a batch of dough in my bread machine and then roll it out with a rolling pin until it is about 1/2-inch thick and cut it into squarish pieces.  My mom liked to make them thick and my dad always like them really thin.  I usually go for a good in between thickness.  Just remember that the thicker you make them, the fewer pieces you'll end up with.

Put some oil into a frying pan, just enough to cover the bottom of the pan and heat it up over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, put your square dough pieces in there and cook until golden brown.  Then use a spatula or tongs to flip those warm yummies over.

If they cook too fast, you'll need to turn down the heat so that they aren't crispy on the outside and doughy in the middle.

Once they are browned on both sides, transfer them to a paper towel lined plate to cool.

We serve ours up with either honey or homemade strawberry freezer jam.  SO GOOD!

Even Nathan loves them.  I tried to take the picture of him mid-bite, but wasn't quick enough.

Peace out!

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