
Friday, February 14, 2014

It's Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day and I have a complicated relationship.  I don't really care for this singled-out day of love, the feelings I have for people can't be shown with a card, candy or flowers purchased simply to fulfill an obligation.  I should be showing my love everyday through my actions and my words. But, I digress.....

Even though my relationship with St Valentine is strained, I do want my kids to enjoy the festivities that inevitably accompany this day.  So this past week, we have been busily preparing and perfecting Valentine cards for class members and "special" friends.  We've also been busy creating Valentine boxes.

Jared made a football field with a goal post for his Valentine box.  You put the Valentine cards through the goal posts to deposit them in to the sack.

And leave it to my Isaac to want to make a toilet.  We used a shoe box for the back of the toilet and an empty ice cream tub for the toilet bowl.  The toilet handle is a binder clip covered in aluminum foil.  You deposit the Valentine cards into the toilet bowl, of course!

Amelia is making her Valentine sack in class today, so we'll have to see what she ends up with tonight.

Clara felt a little left out of the festivities so I let her write out a couple of Valentine's for her grandparents. She loved it.

Also, I totally recommend buying Valentine's cards for your kids the year before.  I bought a few boxes the week after Valentine's day last year and they were super cheap.  This year, I didn't have to worry about getting to the store this year to get their Valentine's cards.  I just went downstairs and pulled them out of storage.  

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