
Monday, June 16, 2014

Motherhood Monday - Focus on Service & Christ-like Love

In LDS General Conference this past April, Elder Ronald A. Rasband said,
"Focusing on serving our brothers and sisters can guide us to make divine decisions in our daily lives and prepare us to value and love what The Lord loves."  

I believe that my children are my heavenly brothers and sisters, as we are all children of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.  When I read this quote, my mind automatically went to my children rather than to my other "heavenly brothers and sisters" who surround me in this world.  

The Lord loves and values my children individually.  He also loves and values the role of motherhood.  If I want to increase my love for my children and place a higher value on my role as a mother, this quote holds good counsel for me.

I need to focus on serving my children and show them Christ-like love.  In turn, I will be guided to make "divine decisions" that will entice me to value and love what the Lord loves... my children and motherhood.  I know, I know.... easier said than done. 

Elder Rasband goes on to say,
"When we are engaged in His work, we feel His Spirit with us.  We grow in testimony, trust, and love."
Elder Rasband was specifically talking about helping others when he gave this talk, but our Heavenly Father has a lot of "work" to be done.  So, again, I tweaked this quote toward motherhood.  After all, isn't motherhood also considered, "His work"?  So when I am ENGAGED in His work (motherhood), I will feel His Spirit within me.  I will grow, individually, in testimony, in trust, and in love.  YES, PLEASE!!


What do you take from this quote?

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